Talky's control panel allows, but does not require, a name.
Talky makes our big world a little smaller It's truly simple video chat. No downloads, signup, or payment required.
I've created this spot to talk about federated wiki. talky
Talky is made by &yet, an independent software team based in Richland, WA. We've open sourced a huge amount of the open-source technologies Talky is built on, like SimpleWebRTC and Otalk.
# Tips
I get a federated wiki page which has a talky reference in it. The page is owned by you. When I select the talky reference it takes me to a page asking if I’m ready to talky but no actionable link or button other than a learn link.
Talky needs to use your camera. Click ALLOW to proceed.
Tip: Talky needs access to your camera. Chrome pops the question in the upper right of your browser window. Talky tries to bring this to your attention by blinking an arrow at the link but it isn't where you'd expect to look.