Conversation Clubs

We're generating an index of conversations that links to all copies of that conversation. This opens a new tab where the neighborhood will contain only the sites owning and mentioned on those pages.

Fork this page. Then click here:

See Happening #2's Conversations

(We want the referrer to be your site, not any other.)

We generate the conversations index by retrieving a recent sitemap for every site in the happening. This is somewhat like Recent Changes when you have loaded every site into your neighborhood. Except we do this loading for you every five minutes.

We generate a link to a conversation by adding every version of a page to a lineup in that link. When you click a conversation link you will see those pages with the most recently edited ones first. You will also be filling the neighborhood of that tab with just these people. The feeling should be that you've entered a conversation with all the right people.

If you fork one of these pages then your fork will automatically be in the next release of the conversation index. This works because we're reading your sitemap too. We read all of the sitemaps for sites mentioned in Happening Folks. If you're on that list we'll share what you've been doing with all the conversation clubs.

Ward and Paul wrote the first version of the index generating script during Office Hours. gist

The idea came from pondering how we might read conversations As If I Were You.